It’s a truth universally acknowledged that everyone loves free giveaways. It stands to reason that tchotchkes are one of the most influential factors at tradeshows! Attendees flock to the booth with the most unique, creative, or useful tchotchke, giving them the best-stocked swag bag to take home…and giving you a wider audience for your presentation. There’s no question that these little giveaway items can win you spectators– AKA, potential customers. The benefits extend beyond the tradeshow floor as well. Every time an attendee uses that goofy frog-shaped rechargeable battery stamped with your company logo, your business gets free exposure…especially if people take one look and have to ask the owner where it came from.
Did You Know?
Have extra tchotchkes after the event is over? Hand them out to customers who enter your store! This will build goodwill between your business and customers as well as increase brand awareness. If the tchotchke is small enough, you can even include them in your direct mail campaigns to gain an even wider reach. From flash drives to free t-shirts, Trembling Giant can find the tchotchke to make your business stand out.