Organic, Evergreen, or Both; You’ll Grow.
While paid social media advertising can give your business’s reach a big boost, the alternative offers undeniable advantages– not to mention the fact that it’s free. Utilizing an organic Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn presence allows you to connect with your page’s followers. These are unpaid posts to your company’s page and can involve anything you like– it’s a great opportunity to develop your business’s voice and brand. Take a look at some of the fast food chains’ pages for examples of organic social media that both entertains and advertises!
Maintaining an organic social media presence is also a way to create a connection and establish relationships with your customers. It can be used as a channel for customer service and support as well. Your company’s post will reach the page’s followers, other users following any hashtags you might use, and the people your followers share your posts with. This means organic social media can also be used to research what works and what doesn’t with your target audience. Take the opportunity to be creative with your posts and connect personally with your customers!