Welcome to the Norbu Designs store!
I appreciate you taking the time to peruse our latest designs and products. Many years ago I hoped to design some t-shirts that poke fun of corporate jargon. Since then, my interests have grown to more. I want a creative company making people laugh, think, and reflect. I believe it is so important for us to laugh at ourselves and reflect more about what we want. We begin with apparel options and are excited about other products as we move forward.
I collaborate with a wonderful group of humans at Trembling Giant Marketing, based in Sykesville, Maryland. When you buy from Norbu Designs you support local businesses and local organizations.
I also give back to my community. 5% of all sales go to local high schools, here, in the Trinidad and Carver-Langston neighborhoods of Washington, DC. By purchasing these products you help me provide funding and leadership training to the College & Career Readiness programs at these high schools.
Because of the process with local small businesses, community contributions from sales, and supply chain issues, all sales are final. Note: the “LOCAL PICKUP” delivery option is for pickup in Sykesville, Maryland.
Let Us Know
Due to current supply-chain disruptions we cannot guarantee the timeliness of the delivery of your order. Shirt blanks are a hot commodity and the supply disruptions are making it hard for our partner warehouses to stock everything at all times. It you have an urgent need for your purchase, such as a timely gift, please contact us at info@tremblinggiantmarketing.com and we can confirm whether the size you want is currently available.
If you encounter any issues with your order, please contact Trembling Giant Marketing, LLC at info@tremblinggiantmarketing.com
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After working in higher education teaching and coaching business students, I found the persistent use of corporate business jargon made me laugh, roll my eyes and generally think about other ways to communicate. I know others find this business speak to be funny, tiring and often inducing the eye roll or shoulder shrug. Additionally, I have heard, read, or created many other phrases that I and others find funny or inspirational. This initial collection reflects those sayings/phrases that can make us laugh, reflect or think.
Thank you for visiting Norbu Designs. Your support of small business and community organizations is welcomed and appreciated. If you see a design and think “that would look groovy on this” please let us know. Please check back often for new designs on shirts, greeting cards, and many other items that will be developed as we move forward with this venture.