If you want to save a little cash on your marketing efforts, help is here! There are many free or low-cost ways to get the word out about your business. Here are a few marketing strategies that have proven to be effective.

Create An Elevator Pitch

The perfect pitch will go a long way toward getting folks to remember you. Also called an elevator pitch, this is a quick 30-to-60-second summary of what you offer. The key to a perfect pitch is to be able to quickly tell a story that highlights your expertise and how you can solve a problem.

Focus On The Community

Get involved in your local community. Sponsor a 5K charity walk, host a block party, or volunteer with a local non-profit. Give your business some exposure. Look for fairs, special events, and shows where you can interact with many people. Carry a small token to hand out that promotes your business.

Referrals Are Key

Referrals are a great way to generate new business. Ask for them. There are plenty of ways to do this without feeling awkward. Reach out online, send an email, chat in person, or put a request at the bottom of your invoices.  Ask your current clients for referrals and offer to do the same for them.

Join A Networking Group

You can meet a lot of new people through a networking group. It’s one of the fastest, easiest, and most effective ways to grow your business. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce or use apps like Meetup to find events in your area. Also, get involved in local business mixers and trade shows.

Find Your USP

Your Unique Selling Point is the one attribute that sets your business apart from the competition. A USP can be a special feature, quality, or service that only you offer. Always keep the interests or needs of your audience in mind when creating a USP.

Use Social Media

Posting regularly on social media can help build an audience. Create short posts that offer value to your followers. Social media lets you connect with your target audience and build a relationship. In return, they will put your brand top-of-mind. Pick a couple of digital channels that work best for your business.

Contests are a great way to keep followers engaged. Donate a prize to those who like your page or share your post. Have your audience choose their favorite photo. The one with the most likes wins! They can also write a caption for a picture you post. You choose your favorite!

Find Target Influencers

Influencer marketing is quickly growing in popularity. An influencer with a large online following can easily promote your company through a variety of digital channels. Choose an influencer specific to your industry that has a lot of engagement. Offer them free products or services in exchange for a review.

Collect Email Addresses

Ask people who visit your website to give you their email in exchange for something of value. A bonus content piece or a coupon are popular incentives. Customers like to get emails regularly from their favorite brands. In fact, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $40 on your investment.

Write A Blog

A blog is an easy way to market your business that won’t break the bank. If you have a website, include a blog post on it. Create quality content that offers value. Use your subject matter expertise. Post blogs on a regular basis.

Let Us Put You On The Map

Need a Marketing Expert? We can help you get noticed. At Trembling Giant, we bring the best independent professionals together to work their magic. You get affordable marketing services that don’t compromise on quality. We offer complimentary reviews and recommendations for your marketing strategy. Contact us today at 410-925-2454 to get started.

Our family of seasoned creative professional designers, writers, developers, and marketers live here in your neighborhood. When you work with Trembling Giant, you support the same small business community you live in. We bring the best independent services together, to do what they do best, and you get affordable marketing services that don’t compromise on quality.

Trembling Giant Marketing is based in Sykesville, Maryland, a main street community between Baltimore and Frederick in Carroll County, Maryland. We love working face-to-face with our clients as members of their community, but collaborate just as well from miles away.

Let’s discuss your branding and marketing needs
over a cup of coffee. 410-925-2454